Feanor Birmans
The Sacred Temple Cat of Burma
Specialising in the red factor in Birmans

Spenser Howson with two of our Birmans, Caerita and Dakota, at ABC 612
photo courtesy of Susan Hetherington
photo courtesy of Susan Hetherington

Feanor wins FCCQ Longhair Prefix of the Year

Feanor Yurgen Finehair wins two Best in Shows, one Reserve in show, and one third in show at the Cats Qld September show 2023
placing in the top three four times out of four
placing in the top three four times out of four

Feanor Wanassa Wisteria proudly showing off her prizes and ribbons won at the Brisbane Birman Show 2023
Feanor Red Arrow winning Best In Show (Longhair Desexed) at the ACF National Show 2022

Feanor Signora Viola accepting her ribbons at the Brisbane Birman Show 2022 (with help from her human staff)

Kucinta Prince Artemis winning Supreme Birman at the Brisbane Birman Show 2017

Feanor Red Arrow winning Supreme Birman at the Canberra Birman Show 2017