Kittens and Cats available

NOTICE: The fake Feanor Birmans Facebook page run by scammers has
been taken down by Facebook at last.
But you still need to protect yourself from scammers, so always check that the breeder is really registered with a Cat Council like FCCQ, QICC, QCI or QFA.
Perfect Pets give this information on protecting yourself from pet scammers here
But you still need to protect yourself from scammers, so always check that the breeder is really registered with a Cat Council like FCCQ, QICC, QCI or QFA.
Perfect Pets give this information on protecting yourself from pet scammers here
Kittens currently available

One seal tortie point girl is still available.

4 kittens born 6 February 2025. 3 boys and 1 girl.

5 kittens born 7 February 2025. 3 boys and 2 girls.